
Stress & Overwhelm:

  • I know what it’s like to be hijacked by fearful thoughts and emotions. I spent much of my life letting anxious and fearful thoughts keep me from trying new things, going after my big goals and dreams, from asking for what I want and so much more. I was unable to master my fear because I didn’t understand that fear’s number one job is to keep me safe, and protect me from physical and emotional pain. Instead, I believed that my fear meant I wasn’t smart enough or strong enough, or that I was just plain incompetent. I didn’t understand that my fear was actually trying to protect me from the slightest possibility of getting hurt. When I learned that fear just meant I was taking a risk, I began to face my less intense fears and not be limited by them. But I still didn’t know how to master intense fear, and it still kept me from taking action.

    Everything changed for me when a Fearless Living Life Coach helped me learn how to respond, instead of react, to fear. She helped me identify what my personal patterns and reactions were to fear. My coach gave me personalized tools and taught me new skills to help me address my fears. I learned to understand myself better, and how to work through challenges and struggles around fear. Instead of being paralyzed by indecision, or constantly second-guessing my choices because of fear, I was able to confidently take action because I had the courage and inner strength I needed to master my fear. It was from this that I realized my passion for Life Coaching. I earned my certification over a decade ago so I could share these knowledge, tools and skills with my clients.

    I want to share with you how fear operates in your life, and how you can master it. Instead of fear keeping you from going after big goals and dreams, or keeping you from asking for what you want and need, you will be able to move through the fear and take action. I want to help you find the courage and inner strength you need to feel the fear but not become overwhelmed or paralyzed by it. Let me teach you what I wish I would have known so much earlier.

    Are you tired of your fear calling the shots in your life? I can give you the support, guidance and tools you need to master fear. If you are ready to take the first step towards overcoming fear in your life, book a free 30-minute Discovery Call to discuss your current struggles with fear, and find out how I can help you.


  • I’ve struggled with depression on and off throughout my life. I understand how debilitating the symptoms can be. I know what it’s like to feel exhausted and weighed down by day-to-day tasks and challenges. To feel like you’re never going to have the energy or focus you need to make changes in your life and achieve your goals. I tried so many different things to relieve my symptoms and manage my depression. While I found many things that helped me get through it, working with a coach was a game changer for me.

    Since we all experience depression differently, it is extremely helpful to have a coach to help you with personalized support that fits your specific situation and needs. What might work for others might not work for you. Instead of going through the list of common ways to cope with depression, a coach can help you create a personalized approach to manage your specific struggles. My coach helped me clearly identify my struggles around depression, and from there we created a personalized plan to address my issues. She helped me clarify where to focus my time and energy. I began to change my outlook and perspective. Eventually, with her help I was able to incorporate more positive and productive ways of thinking, and began the process of letting go of negative and unhelpful ways of thinking. With her support, encouragement and accountability I was able to stay committed to change, and achieve my goals. Instead of depression affecting my ability to focus, make decisions or complete tasks, I was able to learn and use tools, skills and inner strength to take action and change my life.

    Are you tired of your depression calling the shots for you? If so, let me support you and teach you what I wish I would have known so much earlier. I have worked with many clients who suffered from depression. I have seen just how life changing it is for someone to be understood, to be encouraged and to have personalized support that fits their specific situation and needs. You don’t have to be alone. I can help. Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call to discuss your current struggles and find out how I can help you.

    How does Coaching for Depression differ from Therapy?

    Recovery from Depression is an individual journey; no two people’s experiences will look exactly alike. Many people find therapy helpful for finding relief from their symptoms, yet for others coaching techniques may be more supportive. For example, if you have depressive symptoms, you may find yourself feeling exhausted, discouraged or uninterested. Meeting regularly with a coach can offer a regular dose of support, guidance and encouragement. Some people find it helpful to talk with both a therapist and a coach since they help in different ways. People transitioning out of therapy also find coaching to be supportive because it helps them determine what to do next. If you are unsure which approach to take, feel free to contact me now and I will help you understand what support I offer and whether that meets your current needs and/or goals.

Fear & Anxiety:

  • I spent decades being overwhelmed because I didn’t know how to live differently. It felt like life was constantly throwing challenges and obstacles my way. Every time I finished a difficult project/task or overcame a challenge in my life another one surfaced. I could never catch up! Despite all the tasks and projects I completed, I never felt like I was doing enough. I could only focus on the tasks that didn’t get done. On top of that, I was flooded with negative & unhelpful thoughts like, “What’s wrong with me? A ‘better’ person would be on top of this and wouldn’t be so stressed or overwhelmed by life.” I kept thinking if I could only get more organized and better at prioritizing, I would no longer be overwhelmed or chronically stressed. But years passed and nothing changed.

    We live in a world full of challenges, struggles and obstacles. Life demands so much of us these days. It’s no wonder that it’s hard to keep up and that we feel stressed and/or overwhelmed by the day-to-day. Our feelings of being stressed & overwhelmed contribute to such emotions as anxiety, helplessness, dread, anger or agitation. When these emotions flood us, we also tend to experience physical sensations like — quickening heartbeat, headache & physical tension, nausea & stomach pain, shortness of breath, shakiness, or antsy limbs. This is why it’s difficult to think or act rationally. On top of that, our body often releases cortisol, the “stress hormone”, which causes us to shift into fight, flight or freeze modes.

    So, what do we do when we are flooded with emotions and body sensations that overpower us and move us into feeling overwhelmed? For years I tried to white knuckle my way through my intense emotions and ignore my uncomfortable bodily sensations. But over time I became discouraged, even depressed and exhausted due to stressors and my body’s reaction to them. Out of desperation, I shared with a friend my struggles, and she referred me to her Somatic Therapist. Everything changed for me when I understood how my thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations are all interconnected and influence one another. My Somatic Therapist helped me begin the process of recognizing how my body was flooded physically when I experienced strong emotions like anger, grief, fear, helplessness, heartache and others. She taught me techniques and tools to calm my body and release tension.

    I no longer had to run from or ignore and push through intense emotions and bodily sensations because I could now calm the distress in my own body. This helped me stop being hijacked by my intense emotions, giving me a greater capacity to handle the ups and downs of everyday life. I became more clear-minded, had the capacity to access choice, take action and more effectively meet the stressful demands of life. Things that once felt stressful and overwhelming began to seem more manageable and doable. It was life changing for me. I decided to get certified in Somatic Regulation and Embodiment to help my clients experience this, too.

    Are you tired of feeling stressed & overwhelmed by life’s challenges? You don’t have to continue to live like this. Discover how to stop letting challenges & struggles overwhelm and stress you out. I will teach you techniques and tools you need to move your body from a state of emotional distress and being overwhelmed to a state of calm and focus where you are able to respond effectively to the demands of life.

    Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call right now to discuss your stress and/or being overwhelmed in your life and find out how I can help.

Nothing will change in your life if you don’t do something different from what you’ve been doing.
— Unknown